Sunday, December 7, 2014

Gingerbread Antics!!

The gingerbread man left clues for us to find a special treat!!  Here are some pictures from our journey around the school.

Later in the day we ate our gingerbread cookies and documented how we ate them so that we could write all about  "How To Eat a Gingerbread Cookie".

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rotary Visits!!

Today Mary Schultz from the DeForest Area Rotary Club came to visit.  The Rotary Club has adopted our class as part of the school district's Adopt A Class Program.  Mary told us about Rotary and all of the important things that they do around the world.  She also helped us donate to the Rotary's fight against Polio - ask your child about the duck butt!! Various members of the club will be coming to visit our class this year.  We also will be going to visit them in the spring.

Friday, October 3, 2014

High 5 reward!

Thank you to all of you that showed up at Open House last night!!  It was great seeing all of you and seeing the students show you around the classroom.  Hopefully you all saw these pictures by our "What is Science" display in the hallway but I thought I would post them here, along with an explanation of what we were doing.  When our class earns 25 high fives we get to pick a class reward - the students get to make suggestions and then they vote on it.  Imagine my surprise and delight when one of the students suggested doing a science experiment and that choice won!  We put food coloring in water and then put a paper towel into two different colors to see what happens.  The students are checking the initial results.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

WE Run

On September 26 our class participated in the first annual WE Run.  It was a perfect day and the students had a lot of fun.